<![CDATA[JILLAINE MARIE PSYCHIC MEDIUM - Articles & Meditation Guide]]>Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:16:07 -0500Weebly<![CDATA[Meditation Resource Guide]]>Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:30:10 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/meditation-resource-guideAnger Guided Meditation
Affirmations to Attract Your Soulmate

Clearing Subconscious Negativity

Cord Cutting Meditation 

Liberation from Karmic Chains Meditation

Cut the Chords of Past and Present Pain with Your Healing Angels

Energy Cleansing Guided Meditation-Negativity Clearing

Forgiveness Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation for Grounding 

Guided Healing Meditation on Forgiveness

Guided Meditation for Anxiety & Stress

Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Relaxation 

I AM Affirmations for Spiritual Abundance

Let Go of Subconscious Guilt, Worries, Anxiety
Meditation for Self Love

Meditation for Self Healing 

Meditation to Clear Resentment

Meet Your Spirit Guides Mediation 

Meeting Your Guardian Angel - Guided Meditation

Positive Affirmation for Self Confidence & Health
Releasing Anger Guided Meditation

Reconnecting with a Lost Loved One Meditation  

​Reiki Self Healing Meditation

 7 Manifestation Habits that Changed My Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy6HZBBzE-8

How To Manifest ANYTHING You Want - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7MHujgvtYY

Affirmations for Self-Belief and Self-Worth   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63_8-pZ0Vl0

Self Love & Acceptance Meditation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tY5i8BtC8cU

Meditation for Guilt & Shame: Guided Mindfulness Meditation -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2offiAxpxJk  

Cutting the Cords with Past Lovers

Lettng Go of the Past & Negative Emotions

Meditations from Toxic & Dysfunctional Relationships to Become Your Higher Self - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JivdU-qZHQA

Cleansing Relationships & Cutting Cords

Karma Clearing Meditation VERY GOOD 

<![CDATA[Brotherly Love]]>Thu, 24 Aug 2017 23:33:26 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/brotherly-love
Brotherly love is the kind of bond which resonates in our hearts for a lifetime.  To be blessed with a brother typically means a childhood of dirty socks, not being late for supper (or no food will be left) and being teased to the point of pulling your hair out.  Trust me….I know!!  But our brother’s are our natural protectors; defenders of the family; a force to carry on the generational namesake and lineage.  And with this loss of life comes great grief in trying to find your footing again. 
Tosha Larkin from Concordia, Kansas came to me to reconnect and find answers…as if to speak with him one last time.  After her reading, she left understanding the Soul resonates within us constantly as we walk this earth. And we are never alone.  The Soul visit us quite often after their departure.  Through her own spiritual awakening and an open mind, she was able to receive the power to reconnect to him on the Soul level. Here is her honorable message of peace and new beginnings:
Tosha Larkin - Concordia, KS - Aug. 24, 2017
I visited Jillaine about a month after my brother had passed. She was able to connect with my Brother, my Father, my Grandmother and my Great Grandmother.  So it was a wonderful experience.

She was able to tell me that my brother had problems with his brain and he did indeed die from brain cancer. She told me she could see the biopsy which he had done prior to his passing (and that was true). She also saw a vision of my father in which he had been in a car wreck and us children were with him at the time.  After the car wreck, my dad's life went downhill due to his alcoholism.  This again was all true.

Jillaine told me (after I had shared some experiences of spirit reaching out to me) that I was going through an awakening.

About two weeks after my reading, I had a dream in which my brother was laying in bed next to me. It was so real I could feel the weight of his body on the bed when I awoke! He told me that he was on the other side and he would be waiting for me (when it was my time to go).  Had I not been open to the idea of an awakening, I don't know if my brother would've connected to me in this way. It was so special and meant so much to me I appreciate all that Jillaine has done for me."

Tosha left with a higher spiritual fortitude and positive emotions of love and joy.  Her creative mind was open to growth and expansion. She realized that she too was a vessel to receive conscious gifts from the spirit realm. These emotions helped her to see that Spirit has far-reaching capabilities to reach out and make a connection with her.  I love her story! 
<![CDATA[The Angel Signs of Feathers]]>Wed, 28 Jun 2017 00:45:36 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/the-angel-signs-of-feathers
Are you finding feathers around you?  What do they mean? What is the message from the Angels?  A client of mine Shelia Jones recently wrote in with a question.  Shelia writes ““ I found this feather in my bedroom as I was getting ready to leave. My bed was already made and I left the room for 20 seconds. As I went back in, this feather was lying on the bedroom floor.  I've never seen this before and it's about 8 inches long I thought it was black but when you get it in the light it's green. What does that mean? “
I replied, “The message is clear. You husband’s recent passing has put you on a path of making your own decisions with much trepidation.  You are starting this new journey and it is lined with many unknowns.  The angels are giving you signs that you are not alone and they are in fact shadowing your every move.  This is a guiding hand to assist you into making the right decisions. The green feather represents the color of LOVE from the heart chakra and healing vibrations. They are bringing you RELAXING energy to restore your faith in YOU and remove your anxiousness.  And the greatest love they can share IS Angel Love!!”  She was so overjoyed with the message. 
Feathers are always a Divine sign your angels are with you. Our angels travel from a very different wavelength.  Angels come from the highest vibration and are closest to our divine God source.  Therefore they can communicate through high pitched ringing in the ear, bright glowing orbs of white and colored light, and of course placing feathers in our pathway.  In my home, their presence is a welcome surprise when the appearance of white glowing feather moving and drift at the speed of light.  White is a pure divine energy which I keep in my home as a high source of protection and guidance.  And WOW isn’t it enlightening when you receive their cosmic love & assistance?
Watch for feathers to show up out of thin air when you need a special helping hand.  It is the angelic realm bringing YOU a powerful message.  Angels are everywhere. And yes when you find them in a house consider it a great spiritual gift.   

#AngelLove #JillaineMarie
<![CDATA[DO YOU WANT TO BECOME A PSYCHIC?  ]]>Sun, 22 Jan 2017 23:58:50 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/do-you-want-to-become-a-psychic
Do you want to learn how to find out about your own intuition and harness your natural psychic ability? Do you sense energy around you & feel afraid of the unknown? This is a growing field and as a spiritual soul we all have natural psychic gifts.  Spend an hour with me in a Psychic Development session created just for you. 

You will be provided with tools for understanding how psychic abilities work and how to use them.   Each session covers from 1 to 12 modalities and you will be provided with the tools to begin developing.  You will become connected to your spirituality, intuition, psychic ability and/or mediumship.  This course brings vital resources to my many student who are already able to channel messages, understand energy around them & how energy affects their lives.  Learn how to:

~ Communicate with spirit guides, angels and your higher self

~ Develop a higher consciousness as you learn meditation, protection and channeling techniques

~ Make decisions with more clarity and precision

~ Find out why negative experiences keep repeating in your life

~ Find out your life purpose and know your own soul gifts

Just message me here or email me at info@jillainemarie.com.  Let's begin today!  
<![CDATA[Soaking In The Tiniest Moments]]>Fri, 13 Jan 2017 00:57:37 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/soaking-in-the-tiniest-moments
Life is precious and fleeting. I am not sure if we take it for granted or just become complacent to forget it's true value.  The loss of someone special from the past can be bittersweet which is something I learned this week.  We are quickly reminded just how dear the hours, months or years we had with a friend may be the final memories forever etched upon our soul. 

As an Intuitive Channel with precognition, I know not to question why my Guides foiled the warnings which may have helped in the prevention of this loss.  It is something to be revealed to me later, I know. A creative conception resounded inside of my heart over three weeks ago which resulted in the inspirational text.  In hind sight I did not knowing why the automatic writing was creatively pouring out. 

People can enter into our life for a short period or an eternity to share joy & laughter, to grow & change, or to learn from one another.  These tiny moments in life; the ones we spend with each other; no matter how brief they may be, bring us peace and solace.  Today I surround the family of my friend in prayers and angelic healing.  Our friendship now becomes spiritual in nature. His strong soul signature has reached out to me already making the internal monologue of communication sweet with a blessing of promise and renewal.  
<![CDATA[Spiritual Gleam in 2017]]>Mon, 02 Jan 2017 23:46:34 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/spiritual-gleam-in-2017
​You have been so supportive, loving and caring to me. Every year my client list grows and my business tripled from 2015 to 2016. I am honored to intuitively channel these passionate sessions that embrace you with love, healing, protection and grace for years to follow. The spiritual grace of your friends & family in the Afterlife are the most powerful experiences. I am honored to share in their life stories, advice and kindness they bestow upon you. It is with great courage that many of you have allowed me to share your experiences online (with your consent of course). I am indebted to you all from the top to the bottom of my heart. Over the next few months, there will be new doors opening and I will be working on my book. If you would like to contribute to my book, website or Facebook page by providing feedback to me, please send a private message to me here or email me at info@jillainemarie.com for more details. I express great reverence for those of you who have begun your journey with me to becoming lightworkers. I am so proud of you for starting your own path to enlightenment & discernment. And most important, I thank God, my Guides & Angels for it's magic, splendor, abundance and gifts of divine love. Congratulations and let's put Spiritual Gleam in 2017! #SpiritualGleamIn2017
<![CDATA[Too Many Holiday Cookies]]>Tue, 27 Dec 2016 01:46:50 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/too-many-holiday-cookies
Eating right is so cliché at the holidays isn't it? After all of the cookies, Grandma's apple pie, chocolates and candy, you may feel like you've overdone it. I SURE DID! Indulgence is your body soaking up the warm hearted goodness of life's pleasures to enjoy the camaraderie of family & friends. Listen, the New Year is only 6 days away. You can wait to start a new diet or exercise regime. Special thanks going out to my little family fur baby for being the company 'meme' spokesmodel 4 this post. #ShareTheLaughter
<![CDATA[Holiday Greetings from Heaven]]>Fri, 23 Dec 2016 23:53:49 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/holiday-greetings-from-heaven
#The Holidays are a special time to bring us together in jubilation and celebration for those physically with us and in the spiritual domain.  Sing in song, jubilation and honor for the memories you share now. By focusing on the memories of those in the Afterlife you are connecting to their spiritual essence and sending a powerful message for them to join you in the festivities.  

Close your eyes, silence yourself & open your heart to receive their comfort and reassurance.  You will be delighted at what you see, hear, and feel.  Over 65% of my clients have had some type of after death communication or sighting (many times during our sessions) and you can too. My favorite symbol is of Frosty the Snowman who reminds us to believe in magic & the phenomenon which brings us emotional peace.  Life transcends death of the physical body.  The Soul of our heavenly loved ones CAN & DO reach out to us at this highly loving time of the year.   Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays.  
<![CDATA[Rachel's Journey & the Path to Peace]]>Wed, 07 Dec 2016 18:01:04 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/rachels-journey-the-path-to-peace
The passing of a parent can be heart-wrenching for the young children left behind. It is often unkind and a lifelong battle for the children who are suffering with a huge void & loneliness. Rachel Tichenor came to me to reach out to her husband in the Afterlife for hope and answers for her three children.  By mid-morning, it was apparent his Soul had arrived early in anticipation for the messages he was about to give her.  All morning I had a tall young man (around 6 foot and 30 years of age) in Spirit showing me details about his life.  As a clairvoyant, I see images, impressions, life memories and movies of the Soul's time here on earth.  

As she sat down, I told Rachel that her husband had stepped through.  He keeps telling me "he is good looking has nice skin and keeps referencing his jeans, particularly the back of his jeans."  I am not always made aware as to the significance, but it makes sense to the client.  She said, "oh yes he had a little skinny butt".  We both laughed (and accenting his back side was new to me). 

He wanted to let her know how his passing left a hole in her heart with her feeling emotionally drained and left all alone.  He talked about their marriage and that they were apart with him staying at his parents’ house for some time.   There was a departure of miles between them. He brought up the University of Kansas Basketball court three times to show his love of the team.  His energy was all over the place and he was full of excitement.  I said to her "It is so adorable and he keeps saying  
'look how cute I am'. He tells me you brought pictures of him."  She laughed and said "oh yes he looked at himself in the mirror all the time".  

Rather quickly in succession he wanted to go over life memories with her. His soul was so elated to speak to her that he was shaking (and yes I can see this in my mind’s eye).  This is what he outlined for her:
* Him in school playing football in a red/maroon uniform.  
* Her sadness for her children and the questions they have about dad.
* It was a gift that he lived with his parents prior to his passing because they had time to spend together with many family celebrations.
* Christmas was a big thing for his family almost like the White House Christmas.  I saw adorned trees of lights, a Martha Stewart table of prepared fixings and the most perfectly wrapped gifts.  And of course all of the decorations outside.
*  He loved sports, football, basketball and again KU and was an all-American guy.    
* He narrowed down that his epilepsy condition was attributed from an impact and concussion years ago, which resulted in his untimely passing.
*  There was a premonition of his own passing in a dream. He had shared it with her briefly and it frightened him.  This is called precognition and we are all psychic and from the same spiritual source.  In this preparation of his passing, he reached out and touched the children on a deeper level.  He spoke of it to two people.  
*  He loved to share one of the last things they all did as a family.  This was camping with an old fashioned fire and roasting marshmallows and smores with her and all the kids.  Rachel said it was one of the last things they did as a family.  
*  To honor the love of his brother he referenced him at the KU Drama department and a fraternity.  
*  He even made suggestions on taking the kids trick or treating and costumes.  And then gave private messages to his children individually.  

Rachel verified every detail with me as slowly a sense of peace and well-being came over her.  She was reassured that there is life after death of the physical body. We get in touch with the sense of our true selves when we open our minds and hearts to the vast communication of the Spiritual Realms.  And her husband’s love and legacy for her and his children remains intact and ever evolving.  
<![CDATA[An Uncle In Spirit Communicates During A Psychic Session On The Day Of His Funeral ]]>Thu, 03 Nov 2016 20:03:46 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/an-uncle-in-spirit-communicates-during-a-psychic-session-on-the-day-of-his-funeral
Last week, I witnessed a truly remarkable reading. During my opening (which is where I begin communication with Spirit), the lights in my home were flickering uncontrollably.  BJ sat down for her session. 

An older man in his 80's presented himself to me.  He was saluting, in his Army uniform and showed me segments of war with planes flying overhead (Korea).  He showed family relation on the father's side & the protection he offers by watching over her.  He had been sick for a while and was in the upper Northern states when he passed.  There was a reference to B.J. organizing a hero's event for his brother (her own father) & taking care of her Dad's needs. It was something he highly respected her for doing.  Through a surprised face, B.J. said "well that's my Uncle who just passed away last week and his funeral is TODAY".  B.J. and I just looked at each other as our mouths dropped wide open. B.J. was already receptive to feel his energy therefore her Uncle was attending his own funeral AND as a channeling source, he decided to communicate with us that very same day. This is indeed a very spiritual and honorable time for me as a medium.  It happens but not very often.  

He went on to talk about how close they were and his funny nature shined through.   He kept showing me deep colored stripes on his uniform sleeve and that he was 'higher up than a private'.  B.J. verified this  with family members some days later.  In fact, her Uncle was a Corporal in the Army.  There is a new communication process to overcome upon ascension to the Afterlife but he came through loud and clear for his Godchild. 

​He wanted to let everyone he was okay, not to worry about not making it to the funeral & he would be watching over his wife who is in nursing care for pneumonia.   And more importantly he had a good life and was at peace so B.J. could tell the rest of the family.  Spirit truly is amazing in every way!! This is his photo.  Very special appreciation goes to B.J. for allowing me to share her story and just a little fraction of her session.  

#Spirit #Communication #Funeral 
<![CDATA[Spirit Leisure Is A Right of Passage]]>Tue, 01 Nov 2016 00:34:17 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/spirit-leisure-is-a-right-of-passage
It's been a remarkable month both personally and professionally. Working and cultivating my mind with esoteric energy and study has taken a lot of my spare time.  I was starting to feel blase in my personal life. All work and no play can make us that way!!  This past month I reconnected with many old friends, got to see my sister and brother in law; and then visited my uncle on my dad's side along with 2 aunts and a cousin on my mom's side. I went to about 6 community events and restructured my time to free my Spirit.  I took time for ME.  I pushed aside all of those endless tasks needing to get done.  The benefits have been unfathomable with my Spirit running in high gear, at a vibration that is sound and fit.  For me, Spirit Leisure is crucial to a successful, balanced and therapeutic life.  Block out time on your calendar for YOU.    It's just the boost your mind needs to carry on for your next work task. And your spirit  will benefit greatly!  
<![CDATA[A Reading With Max The Dog ]]>Sun, 23 Oct 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/a-reading-with-max-the-dog
When Heather Jones came to me she was still in the process of her grieving.  She wanted to unlock the answers to the 'pet soul' and what happens after our pets leave this earth. Before sitting down with me, her sweet dog Max had some very significant messages for her. He said he was treated like a prince, a family protector, got the best quality dog food (Iam's) even though he had stinky breath, used to play with tennis balls but grew out of it and was 12 years old when he passed away. He got to be with the best Mommy in the world and he knew it. He had been with Heather from the time she was single, laid right along her hip, and loved that she spoke to him in 'baby talk'. His passing was something that left Heather with a huge void in her animal loving heart! His Spirit was even there when she made a visit to get a new puppy but didn't know if she could love the pup like she did her sweet and strong Max. Heather acknowledges all of it and said how she passed up that pup just like Max said. But instead found a wonderful rescue dog already named Max and instantly felt a soul connection! Now the 'New Max' is a member of their home. But Max's final message to Heather was truly genius and a spiritual gift of love and learning. She knows he is at peace and more importantly HAPPY she is finding love again in another dog needing comfort!   Click above to read it. Then take a peek at the picture below of Heather and her precious Max on their last trip to the lake, prior to his passing. She was drawn and intent that he be included on the trip but didn't know why. BUT her soul knew; it was his last big adventure with the family!   Just look at the jubilation in his eyes feeling the wind in his face!
<![CDATA[What is Oneness?]]>Sun, 02 Oct 2016 20:32:52 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/what-is-oneness
​I recently had a client who asked me ‘What is Oneness?’  To me Oneness is a collective consciousness that we theoretically are all in the same boat.  It transcends that we are all human and a part of humanity and therefore we are all the same.  Oneness is the unity of all for the greater good and helping out thy friend, enemy or neighbor.  It is a Universal force that transcends the human race regardless of religion, culture, geographic location, status or stature.  We all collectively share this world we live in and by that, we share in its humanity, suffering, love and consciousness.  We are ALL from the same Divine God Source and therefore, all brothers and sisters.  By teaching each other, we expand the collective consciousness of our Soul. Be open minded to meeting people who you feel are different than you. You will learn, grow and find new truth in the power of humanity.  We all have a greater value to offer each other.  It is our own lessons and life skills that help each other expand our mind.  LIKE AND SHARE Jillaine Marie - Psychic Medium
<![CDATA[Goosebumps & Cold Spots: How Spirit Touches Us On A Deep Soul Level]]>Sun, 18 Sep 2016 20:24:32 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/goosebumps-cold-spots-how-spirit-touches-us-on-a-deep-soul-level
Are you getting Goosebumps for no apparent reason? Cold spots and Goosebumps are a SPIRITUAL SIGN when the Soul of your loved one is touching you! It is their way of harnessing energy and reaching out to make contact with you. This is when Spirit is actually present in the room during your session. I allow Spirit to gather & be present prior to your arrival to give me messages specific to you. This is what Psychics call an “Opening’. This creates an enormous amount of energy before, during and after a reading. I am compelled to relate to you the large number of clients who get to experience this phenomenon with me during a Psychic Medium channeling session. Many clients have gotten Goosebumps or felt cold spots. AND for the first time are “SEEING” energy which is what a Clairvoyant like me experiences every day. So the next time you feel Goosebumps or cold spots, close your eyes and ask who is touching you from the Afterlife.  Your intuition will show you who is wanting to communicate to you on a deeper level.  
<![CDATA[Guardian Angel Prayer]]>Thu, 15 Sep 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/guardian-angel-prayer
Your Guardian Angel loves you and is waiting for you to call upon her.  Seek your heavenly Guardian Angel for protection, guidance and support in any situation. This is one of the tools in my arsenal of Divine Protection that I use daily. Repeat this prayer every morning just before heading out for the day. Use it in situations where you feel stress, jittery or are in a negative environment. When you call upon your Guardian Angels, the beneficial effects are immediate and infiltrate all who surround you. She/He is always here from the day you were born to provide you with loving, caring protection and safety. The Angels are very powerful and can save us from the most devastating of situations and are God’s true messengers. She was appointed to you at your birth and carries you throughout your entire life. Our angels say “Call upon me for guidance and loving direction in your time of need”. My Guardian Angel is there giving me messages of insight and crystal clear guidance, comfort and most of all divine love. She is at the pentacle of each and every intuitive channeling session that I deliver and my gratefulness is insurmountable to her. Say the prayer for your children, family or friends for added protection. Carry it in your vehicle, at work, purse/wallet or when you travel. AND PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! #GuardianAngelPrayer
<![CDATA[Amy's Story: Reconnecting With Her Husband In Spirit]]>Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:18:16 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/amys-story-reconnecting-with-her-husband-in-spirit
​When my client Amy first came to see me she wanted to re-establish a connection with her husband in Spirit.  HE was and still is the driving force in the family with a very strong soul signature.  He showed me his incredible family life.  These included their numerous family outings, fishing, and hunting, sports with the kids, his love of barbecuing, and life’s greatest moments.  He told me of his city job and always wearing (khakis).  He detailed his passing & the toll it had taken on the family.  Amy had given so effortlessly in taking care of him in those final months. Something he wouldn’t have any other way due to his strong personality which really shines through.  Over the past year it has been a great comfort to her to speak with him again.  He has confirmed all she has been doing & that he is right by her side; in her ear to help her on a road which has not been easy. She WAS the love of his life.   Recently she asked me “What does he want me to do with the house?”  Immediately I told her “Sell it.  He wants you to downsize.  I see your home is rather big & he wants you to downsize.  It’s too much to keep up with.  He keeps showing me a for sale sign in the yard.”  She looked at me and said she was apprehensive to do so.  I said “He is saying you need to downsize to an A-Frame little house like 700 square feet with flowers outside and a fenced in yard but something that is manageable.  Amy, he is telling me that once you both retired the plan was to downsize, sell the house and go traveling in an RV and camping”.  Just then Amy said “Yes he always said that’s what he wanted to do was sell the house and get a cute little bungalow like when we were first married so we could go in an RV and travel.”  She got the validation she needed from her husband and the answer to a question that had been weighing heavily on her mind.  Today’s message is proof that our soul continues to grow and communicate with us for those important decisions.  And most of all.....love remains.  
<![CDATA[A Simple Manifestion Prayer for All You Desire]]>Wed, 07 Sep 2016 22:10:12 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/a-simple-manifestion-prayer-for-all-you-desire

Did you know that Thursday Sept 8th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse?  According to Numerologists, this is the most powerful day for manifesting in 2016.  Why? September 9th is the 9th day, 9th month, 9th universal month, & 9th universal year.   It is a 9999 day which is super amplified for benevolence, love, spiritual awakening, humanitarian, unity and ENDING. It means you are coming to the end of a 9 year cycle so manifesting what you desire is CRUCIAL for your next 7 to 9 years to be successful.  Use my Manifestation Prayer and the power of the universal alignment to manifest that which you desire in the next 3 days.  Don’t’ get stuck in your old outdated views or ways.  Let Go!! It's out with the old and in with the new.  Write all your desires on sticky notes and place them throughout your home and repeat daily!  The power of intention drives your thoughts, desires, actions and LIFE.  It’s your world.  Make it happen!!   

<![CDATA[My Father's Message From The Afterlife]]>Sun, 24 Jul 2016 02:01:06 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/my-fathers-message-from-the-afterlife
Several months ago, I was doing a reading, the following day, for a young teenage girl who wanted to reach out to her deceased father. I lost my father at the age of 6 and know the struggle with growing up “without your daddy”. I worried how I would be able to help her understand that her father’s Spirit continues to remain fully cognitive and functioning (just now in a spiritual sense & not a physical body). As I laid down in bed, quite unexpectedly, my father's Spirit reached out & touched my right hand (which I saw and felt). He whispered in my ear “You’ve been through this and will know what to say”. I began to cry uncontrollably. He checked in to say he loves me (by drawing hearts of love) and is proud of me. Even as a Psychic Medium, I still am amazed at the magic from the Spirit Realm. Today’s message is from my own channeling session with my Dad. Happy Father’s Day to Those Near, Far & In Heaven!!
<![CDATA[Denial & The Role It Plays In Life]]>Sat, 16 Jul 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/denial-the-role-it-plays-in-life
Denial is a defense mechanism that can throw a curve ball when we really acknowledge who we are or those parts of ourselves that lie dormant. After years of denying our true self, we can become out of balance with what is real and what we believe to be true.

So was the case with my latest reading with my client who had natural psychic abilities. Towards the end of her reading, she was wondering why her Mother (in the Afterlife) did not mention something specific about her. 
It was then brought to my attention by her Spirit Guides with them whispering to me “you see things; you see ghosts”. It was the validation she was waiting to hear!

​As a Channel, I have an obligation to my clients to speak the truth. My client was denying this for years and suffered from anxiety, depression and fear. She left with a sense of needing more answers and we spoke the next day about her abilities and the fears surrounding this purposeful gift. And she will be setting up a session with me to understand and find techniques to manage it. People are opening up to their true psychic selves at a high rate and no longer need to suffer in silence. Find your own light inside of you!! Break free and explore your gifts now at http://www.jillainemarie.com/rates--services.htm
<![CDATA[The Universe I s Open to Knowledge]]>Sun, 10 Jul 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/the-universe-i-s-open-to-knowledge
Client updates are essential to accuracy. Here are just a few! John was told over 2 years ago that he would be put into a Management position which has now taken place (something he didn’t believe would happen). Bree was instructed by Spirit that her blood pressure wasn’t regulating, she was almost starving herself (& needed to eat 6 times a day), her stress level would lead to other health issues unless she went on several medications. I did her reading and then Reiki healing (which regulated her pressure enough to stop her from shaking non-stop). Happily 3 months later she has made all of the lifestyle adjustments instructed (including 2 new medications, meditation for relaxation, & nurturance of her soul) & is now on her road to recovery. Sharon wanted to know if her husband should buy land in an upcoming auction. I told her the sale of the land would be too high and there would be 2 bidders making it increase for more than it was worth. Bingo!! They did not purchase the land & it went way too high in $$$. Mary was expecting an inheritance and I told her you will not receive as much as you were wanting & it would be around $5,000! Two months later she called to say she was expecting $19,000 but instead got $5,000. All of my clients found out valuable information about their future. And you can to! The Universe is open for your to receive knowledge. Get your questions answered about the future, love, relationships, career, and more.

<![CDATA[Jodi's Story - Her Detailed Reading by Jillaine Marie Psychic Medium]]>Fri, 01 Jul 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/light-a-candle-for-all-those-we-have-lostHere is Jodi's Story: Jodi met with me for a mediumship reading. Immediately her Grandfather came through hugging her around her neck (something he did in life). He had a key chain full of jingling keys (which he still rattles around her house to make his presence known to her). He showed me using a pitchfork on hay, having his hands in the dirt all the time with farming, wearing flannel shirts & jeans, riding the ATV, how he helped other people in the farming community, his knowledge and use of chemicals in working the land. He mentioned his love of lettuce on his sandwiches and of him holding her baby (which was one of the last things he did). Grandpa was so visual and showed me glimpses of his childhood in the Dirty 30’s and the Great Depression. He was very picky & you did things “his way”. He showed a lot of respect and would take his hat off if he walked into a building. His passing was from both lung and heart issues. He wanted to extend his love to Jodi from the Afterlife and let her know he is never too far away. Jodi received lengthy messages and valuable answers from the Afterlife from 4 MORE family members during her one hour session. And it opened her heart to the signs of their magnificence from Spirit. ‪#‎FindHealing‬. Schedule your phone, Skype or in person session with me and have your own private conversation to get answers & reconnect with a passed loved one!! It will be the most fabulous thing you've done all year!
<![CDATA[I Always Count My Blessings]]>Thu, 23 Jun 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/i-always-count-my-blessings
Remember when your Grandma would say “Count Your Blessings”? This month comes at a time when we give gratitude to the Universe. Situations happen but we must learn and grow from them. Sending negative thoughts or toxic emotions only BLOCKS us from healing and moving on and upward in our life. Give your situation compassion, love, and understanding and find the BLESSING in it. The nature of God & Spirit are working to open a new door of opportunity for you. Accept the blessings, pray, meditate and give your situation prosperous thoughts!! Use my newest affirmation to manifest positive karma to your situation. P.S. Sincere thanks to Janis Cunningham Bishop and Tanya Becker for their compelling reviews. My clients are ASTOUNDING and give me so much joy and acceptance. And I appreciate all of the family and friend referrals. ‪#‎BlessedBeyondMeasure‬
<![CDATA[Light A Candle In Remeberance of Those We Lost]]>Thu, 02 Jun 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/light-a-candle-in-remeberance-of-those-we-lost
Severe trauma can be a catalyst for a road of obstacles and setbacks. You have been through so much. But healing starts with the desire for spiritual nourishment, purity and returning to a once happier state of mind. This is a very ‘Spirit Inspired’ message for the trauma you have endured. And for the strength you have in curing and restoring your own health, well being and emotional state. You can do this & begin healing with your own 'Spirit Inspired' psychic reading, counseling session or self-help book! Our divine creator recognizes all of your hard work. ‪#‎HealingTrauma‬
<![CDATA[Note To Self]]>Thu, 26 May 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/note-to-self
Are you looking for your golden light at the end of the rainbow? Yes I said golden light meaning your Spirit's Divine Purpose! In my readings, GOLD represents spiritual reward, richness, refinement and enhancement of YOU! There are rich rewards for you in store and you have a Divine Purpose in this life. We all do. It begins with choices. Today’s message is about venturing out into new discoveries. Life is always a metamorphosis of growth, change and evolution. Let me show you a new road to mastering riches for YOU!
<![CDATA[Look With Favor On The Wonderment & Joy of Life]]>Fri, 20 May 2016 07:00:00 GMThttp://jillainemarie.com/articles--meditation-guide/look-with-favor-on-the-wonderment-joy-of-life
Do you ever feel like your living in a fog? I have been pouring myself into a super busy lifestyle with individual, phone and group readings plus taking care of many private details in my personal life (which I am very thankful for btw). Therefore I have neglected all of you my dear friends & myself. Emotional nourishment is essential to break the boundaries of holding yourself back. So this weekend I will step outside myself to enjoy the wonderment of life with a fabulous nature walk and some quite time in meditation Today's message is clear to find joy in life every day. I hope all of you do the same! ‪#‎BeBlessed‬